State Budget Passes; Includes Additional Funding and Authorization for University Priorities
On April 18, both chambers passed the fiscal year 24-25 state budget. In addition to investments made in the base budget, the legislature funded the $29.65 million request for the Gross Anatomy Lab at the UT Health Science Center. This allocation marks the single largest legislative investment for higher education and is the second-largest … Continued

Governor Lee Releases Proposed Budget Amendment
The Lee Administration released its amendment to the 2024-2025 fiscal year proposed budget. The amendment adjusts the governor’s original proposal based on the state’s revenue trends. Along with most of the key UT investments the governor proposed at the beginning of the year, the amendment adds authorization language and additional funds to support UT … Continued

President Randy Boyd Testifies at House Budget Hearing
The House Finance, Ways, and Means Committee held budget hearings for public higher education institutions and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission on February 14. UT President Randy Boyd testified on behalf of the University of Tennessee, providing an update about the System and outlining UT funding priorities. He began his budget testimony by thanking … Continued

Governor Releases Proposed Budget
On Monday, February 5, Governor Bill Lee released his proposed budget and presented the 2024 State of the State to the General Assembly. The Governor’s proposed budget and address outlined the Administration’s priorities and vision for Tennessee. For the UT System, the governor proposed in the initial budget: $66.42 million to fund UT Chattanooga’s Fletcher … Continued

Gov. Bill Lee Announces February 5 for State of the State Address
Governor Bill Lee announced he will deliver the 2024 State of the State address on Monday, February 5, at 7 p.m. ET/6 p.m. CT. The annual address is a critical part of the legislative process since it is when the Administration announces its policy and legislative priorities for the year. The State of the State … Continued